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iciHaiti - Brazil 2019 : Victory of Grenadiers [4-1] in friendly match against Desportivo
19/10/2019 09:22:52

iciHaiti - Brazil 2019 : Victory of Grenadiers [4-1] in friendly match against Desportivo
Friday, as part of the U-17 Football World Cup Brazil which will take place from October 26 to November 17, 2019 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27713-haiti-flash-haiti-qualified-for-the-fifa-u-17-world-cup-brazil-2019.html the first game of preparation of the Grenadiers took place against the team Desportivo of Porto Feliz (State of Sao Paulo). The Haitian attack has from the outset launched hostilities, the Grenadiers set foot on the accelerator to open the score at 10' [1-0] through Corlens Etienne on a volley in the area of ​​repair. 5 minutes later Olsen Aluc, doubles the score [2-0]. Aluc at the 21' deep the score in favor of Haiti [3-0] by registering a double in the first period.

In the second half, Desportivo completely changed his team. No player was rehired in the second half, it was totally another team with Asian players that the Grenadiers faced in pain. Desportivo's team managed to avoid the humiliation by reducing the score to 19' [3-1] but Rolph Woodeley Philippe, on a shot outside the 16 meters scored a fourth goal for Haiti [4-1] score unchanged at the end of the regulatory time.

This friendly first match in Brazilian soil, highlighted the defensive weakness of the Haitian team, communication problems between players in the field and defense, a lack of discipline and a defensive hinge too often uncovered.

While waiting for the next Grenadiers friendly match against Senegal, the coaches have a lot of work.

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